Massage as an Effective Pain Reliever

Massage is not just a pleasant procedure that allows you to relax your muscles. There are various techniques of Remedial Massage aimed at restoring the mobility of individual segments of the spine, eliminating the symptoms of diseases.
Indications for the procedure are:
- Chronic back pain associated with sedentary lifestyle;
- Neck pain;
- Weakness in the upper and lower extremities.
Therapeutic Massage for osteochondrosis helps to prolong remission, eliminate unpleasant symptoms, slow down the development of the disease, and also prevent muscle atrophy.
The benefits and effect of massage
Massage has a relaxing effect on the muscles. When we experience pain, the muscles tense up, there is numbness, a feeling of tightness, discomfort. An experienced masseur will help to eliminate muscle clamps, relax muscles and improve blood circulation in the affected area.
With the help of the classic Massage Alice Springs, you can achieve the following results:
- Restoration of mobility of the affected segments of the spine;
- Removal of swelling of tissues;
- Elimination or reduction of pain;
- Strengthening of individual muscle groups;
- Increasing the overall tone of the body;
- Improvement of well-being.

Myofascial massage
One of the types of therapeutic massage is Myofascial massage. This is a massage that is performed using a special technique, affecting not the muscles themselves, but the fascia. Excessively loading the muscles, or, conversely, not putting them under load, experiencing stress and emotional outbursts, they can eventually become overgrown with fascia. As a result, the muscles lose elasticity and harden.
You can also affect the fascia with Dry Needling. The dry needle method is an invasive procedure in which a thin needle or acupuncture needle is inserted into the muscles. The purpose of treatment is to affect myofascial trigger points.
This method can be applied both at the surface and deep tissue levels.
Whatever type of therapeutic massage you choose, the main thing is to seek the service of a professional in your field, then you will get the effect.